Buying a yoga mat? Look for features that suit you, not looks.

Yoga mats are one of the most sold yoga merchandise in the world. Ironically, in the country of origin (i.e. India) yoga is practised on whatever sheet they get. In the west and among the rich anywhere, there seems a notion that you just can't practice yoga without a yoga mat. So, people doing yoga look for yoga mat prices and size, also how to choose the best yoga mat.
Having said that, let me add that yoga mats are very important for doing yoga comfortably. Good yoga mats also obviate minor injuries that can happen if the mat under you is not soft or hard enough. 

Choosing the best yoga mat

Look for the following features in choosing a yoga mat that best suits you:
  • The mat should not feel hard, but should not cushion too much like a mattress.
  • It should not stretch when doing yogic exercise. Loosely knit rugs, rubberized fabric or towel may, therefore, not be suitable for many asanas.
  • It should not be woven loosely such that it accumulates dust and dirt over time and leads to growth of pathogens and mite.
  • It should not be made of material that decays rather fast, gets damp with humidity and/or gives bad odour.
  • It should preferably be washable or at least easily vacuum cleaned / dusted, especially if it is to be used outdoors.
  • The yoga mat should not be slippery. It should stick well to the ground. Straw mats and plastic sheets can slip when you move your limbs.
  • The mat should be heat insulating so that it does not get too cold during winters (or in cool places) and too hot during summers. Cotton, wool and some types of synthetic material is good in this respect.
  • Good yoga mats have a slightly rough texture, but not too rough. Too smooth upper surface may lead to slipping while stretching. However, the surface should be fully even, not with engravings or bulging patterns.
  • If you take the yoga mat while travelling or do yoga in your garden, the mat should be light-wight, crease proof and easy to roll.

Best yoga mat for you

The above-mentioned qualities of good yoga mats are fine, but all mats cannot have all these qualities. 
More than that, what suits your spouse or parent may not suit because of many factors such as age, gender, health, climate and weather, type of yoga you practise, and time and duration of yoga you do.  
You may need a waterproof, lightweight and firm mat when you want to spread it on ground or grass early in the morning when things are moist with dew. You would rather prefer a blanket or woollen mat if doing yoga in a cold place and on cold surfaces such as cement or tiles. If you only do pranayamas and a few light asanas, tensile strength of mat (=how much pull it can resist) would not matter. If you sit for long, as for doing pranayamas, using a folded rug on top of the yoga mat would help.

In the market, you also get mats that suit some special medical conditions. For example, if you have knee problems and have been advised yoga as a therapy, you might need mats with extra padding.

Also remember that yoga is an exercise and not entertainment. Then, it is not just an exercise, it  is a commitment to yourself to keep fit physically [and emotionally and spiritually, if you so like]. So, yoga mats should complement this commitment.

Yoga mat features, size and price

There is a huge market for yoga mats. In fact, yoga mats are one of the most sold items online on Amazon and other platforms. Match the requirements mentioned above with these specific features when you buy yoga mat:
  • Mats come in different sizes; you need not go for a size bigger than 6.5x3 feet.
  • Mats also come in varying thicknesses. Thick ones may feel comfortable, but you are likely to wobble doing standing poses. Too thin ones may roll at corners or edges. 
  • Mats are made of different materials. Go for the usual PVC mats if you are not choosy. If you want to go for natural fibre, go for cotton, jute, wool or felt. Jute is rough in texture. Cotton is likely to get dirty too soon.
  • Thickness and material used decide many of the attributes listed above: comfort, stickiness, portability, and so on.
  • Yoga mats come in a range of sophistication. You can even go for multi-layered ones, e.g. with a sticky bottom layer and a soft upper one.
  • Yoga mats come in numerous colours and patterns. Go for one that is not too bright or gaudy. At the same time, avoid too dark or dirty-looking colours (dark grey, dark brown, black) and colours that look dirty too soon (white, light colours). 
  • Do not go for sexy or such other designs that can distract attention and do not go well with yoga.
  • Finally, yoga mats come in a range of prices. Put your hand in your pocket to see what suits you.
best yoga mat buy
